Sunday, July 13, 2014

Reflecting the Shepherd

So, being an artsy, creative gal, I love movies and I lines and moments tend to stick with me well after I’ve watched it once, twice or even ten times (we’ll discuss those movies later), but one movie line and one song line that are cliché and yet I can’t always get past is: Attitude reflects leadership in Remember the Titans, and respect is given and not earned- that I am not sure who to attribute that too.

Starting with the first­­—as a believer, our leadership, no matter who it is that walks alongside us, mentors us, disciples us on this earth, our greatest leader will always start with our Great Shepherd- our Heavenly Father.  So then, if attitude reflects leadership, does the attitude you show forth reflect God?  Do you show the love He shows?  Do you reflect his kindness-the kindness that leads to repentance?

Respect is given and not earned reflects the self consumed perspective of today’s culture.  Do for me and I do for you, but what about freely you have received, freely give.  We have received love, grace, and mercy freely from God daily.  It is not held hostage and it is not earned.  We receive from God based on his character…his faithfulness to himself.  So the question I pose to you today, what are you withholding from others that poorly reflects God?  

Whatcya need to know